I started my blogging journey in 2017 and since then it was a new world that I entered. It is an era of technology where the distances between people have reduced due to social media. In its true sense we have become one big large family. The bloggers share the bits and bytes of their life with people who eagerly wait for the experiences. For me as a blogger the best part is that I can touch and connect with so many people with whom otherwise I could not connect physically. It is my passion which helped me make so many friends.
Social Media and Bloggers:
We all spend so much of our time on the social media platforms. It was our time to connect with people helped in the growth of blogging industry in the social media platforms. Thus with so much of fondness and love the blogging and influencing industry grew immensely. Celebrities, artists, digital creators, content creators, brands and business all entered the world of blogging and their business grew in leaps and bounds. As per a survey it was concluded that ever since the pandemic hit the social media users have increased by 13% and thus it was the apt time when businesses and brands could connect with their patrons and followers through the social media and sail through the tough times.
The need and importance of social media in our lives is immense, and it is the blogs and bloggers and influencers who make it worth their while. I as a bloggers participate in various trends, bring ethical and social posts in front of people, share snippets of my life, importantly the blog www.delhiblogger.com is like a journal of my life and that of kids as they grow and touch new milestones.
The new trends and ideas that are developing on the social platform is creating awareness, influencing fashion, growing business , and importantly it is uniting hearts.
We as bloggers, influencers, create content for our viewers to enrich them, impart knowledge to them, and create awareness among our followers about the matters that are concerned to them. It is due to this bond that we have developed with our followers and readers that there is sense of trust between us. Thereby the brands connect with them to promote their products and services at a very personal level. It is the best form of advertisement from the aspect of both seller and buyers.
How as I earn as a blogger and influencer?
Brands are spending more on bloggers and influencers to promote the products or services as the return on investment is high. They spend less as compared to what they were spending on the television or print media. Importantly we as bloggers connect at a very personal level and thus people trust us for we are genuine. The brands connect with us and we collaborate with them, thus the revenue model is created.
I take followers as my immediate family members and as friends who have seen me growing from a stay at home to work from home. I give time to my family and in the free time I pursue blogging as my passion and hobby which helps me to stay financially independent.
As much as I cherish my identity of being a wife, daughter, mother, sister, daughter in law I cherish the fact that I am a bloggers and an infleuncer. I help people to make informed decisions and help to increase their awareness. During the period of pandemic where there was so much of negativity and spread of fake news, I contributed immensely to bring a positive change and help stopping the spread of fake news that was further creating havoc in the society.
As I take a trip down the memory lane an think of doing something else, I realize that ,my calling lies here and it is something which will see me evolving and growing as a person and blogger.
It is always nice to read about the blogging journey of fellow bloggers, it gives a whole new perspective. Great going and wish you the best on your journey, the best is yet to come.