We all love to play games it keeps the child alive in us. Online games or offline games they cast a spell on us. Most of the online games comes with a hefty price tag. Thus I need to keep my hands off them. Thus I am always in the lookout of online games which are free or nominally priced, genuine and above all high on entertainment quotient and m search ended on Mortgage Calculator

We all love to play games it keeps the child alive in us. Online games or offline games they cast a spell on us. Most of the online games comes with a hefty price tag. Thus I need to keep my hands off them. Thus I am always in the lookout of online games which are free or nominally priced, genuine and above all high on entertainment quotient and m search ended on Mortgage Calculator

Money Games on Mortgage Calculator

Well my search came to an end with money games on Mortgage calculator. There are plethora of games on Mortgage Calculator related to real estate, grocery shopping, stock market, and other businesses. These are not just games but they teach life lessons. The games here give valuable lessons on financial concepts which are vital for home makers like me. It is a practical format of learning without getting to lose anything. I love spending my time on these games where I can master learns hacks to earn money like a pro. I highly recommend these games as money making skills can be mastered virtually.

My most loved game on Mortgage Calculator

When there are so many game options. Thus choosing the best one is like choosing a candy from a candy store for a six year old. Once I started to play the game there was no looking back. It became a habit to play the game regularly at a specific time after winding up all my tasks. It is the most constructive way to spend my me time and there is no denial to it.

Games that swept me off the floor:

LEGO City Adventures Build and Protect

How can one not love LEGO City Adventures Build and Protect which is in the category of real estate games category on the Mortgage Calculator website. It gives us an insight to invest at the right time with the best resources. It is super fun and knowledgeable o collect revenue and then further constructing new buildings with it.

The game is about helping Mayor Solomon Fleck build a Lego city by constructing buildings with the material available. The buildings earn tax revenues that in turn are again invested in building more structures in the city. The players need to find hidden mini-pieces to construct special buildings in each zone. Interestingly each component comes at a price that has to be bought from the taxes that are earned from the buildings constructed. However is it not all that easy at times there are fire and burglaries in the buildings. The player has to be proactive and extinguish the fire and stop the theft. As a player one needs to minimize the loss like we do it in real life.

It is a project that gives immense fun and experience. with each theft and fire I get adrenaline rush. I totally love the experience it help me stay calm.


The game is so much fun and gives immense pleasure. It is about buying and selling properties by tracking market trends. I need to stay super active and understand the trend it helps me understand the market trend in the real life. Buildings continue to appear on the screen with price increase shown in green and a price decrease is depicted in red. As a player I need to buy the property at lesser price like we do it in real life. Staying super attentive at the game is much required. It gives me a kick. There are three different modes to play the game. First mode is to start the game we get a small amount of money and trade properties to reach a fixed target amount. The second mode is that there is a fixed time  to earn the goal amount which makes things super exciting. The third mode is that there is no restriction on the time limit to earn any amount. The player is free to take any action of buying and selling to earn money.

 There are so many other games like Tree house trouble , Kingdoms wars, Tidy Up which add to the fun element. Although there is responsibility with fun. These are not mindless games but they give learning about the real life.  




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