We all have grown up listening to the famous Hindi phrase “ Padho ke likhoge banoge nawab, kheloge kudoge banoge kharab”. Well it simply means if you study you become princely but if you play you tend to get spoilt. It is such a narrow aspect of viewing life and success. Sport should be an integral part of ones life. The benefits of sports on ones development can be big, and powerful. It can be so powerful that it could actually be a career for you. If you desire that your child should be active then it is simple just enroll them for some sports activity class.
At my place being mum to girls and always feeling that situation is simply not safe for them. They have to be strong and independent and to inculcate these characteristics traits in them they had to play some sport. Sport would make them strong and independent plus the best aspect or let us admit cherry on the cake will be that it could be their career option. If you choose your passion or hobby as work you need not go to work you just spend your life as a vacation. This is what will bring them immense pleasure and work satisfaction and this what I have always dreamt for my kids.
The presence of electronic gadgets in our life’s and all of us living in highly polluted environment the importance of sports and associated fitness goes to another level. Getting unadulterated food is a big task, and the air is polluted, thus to keep the organs healthy we need to exercise and so do the kids need to do the same, but exercises can be boring and sport is a good alternative to exercises. Sports are way too interesting and present scenario seeing the Asian Games it is safe to conclude that sports can be good career option also.
Studying is important getting educated is crucial as it will enrich you and save you from any sort of exploitation and make you aware. But, sports will just help you to study in a better way and open new avenues for you. It will lead to doors of new frontiers. This year at Asian Games India’s performance was breathtaking. It was a sheer delight for my kids and me to wake up to the news of India’s glorious performance at the sports meet. The girls were no less than the boys and roared proudly at the events. What actually touched my heart was to see that kids from very humble background, with no basic facilities or necessities of life and no so called diet with supplements were doing so well and winning the limelight.
Sports that we were unaware of like Javelin throw, steeplechase. Jumping, canoe, were played so well and won also. Already famed games like shooting, wrestling, table tennis, badminton also saw the roaring performance of the kids. We are a developing country where the fight for the necessities is huge and there have funds for sports and that too sports that are devoid of glam factor is out of question, but still with true spirit of sports person and the jest to do something these kids made us proud.
As the Prime Minister congratulates the players and asks the nation to strive towards fitness so as to build a fitter country, I as a responsible citizen and parent pledge to do the same. I will inculcate the spirit of playing in my kids as the importance of sports cannot be denied. Sports will make them more polished, edgy, aware, sharp and will bring the spirit of friendliness in them. Playing a sport is rejuvenating and relaxing and with the ever increasing stress and pressure let sports be the ray of hope in their lives.
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This is the motto of my life and for my kids. Importantly let sports be the shining armor and help us bond more closely as a family. As it is said a family that plays together stays together. so,on this National sports day that is on 29th August let’s pledge to give our kids a gift of sport ,let’s make sports a part of their life.
*Images are sourced from Google.
Sports are integral part of education. Education without sports is incomplete. Me always support and busy my angel in different activities.. Nice post
I totally agree with your post. We must encourage our kids in sports. It helps them become a team player and also builds a killer instinct
I encourage my kids to play. Any sport of their choice. The important thing is for them to play outside, have physical activity and learn sportman spirit.
Indeed one must involve in some kind of a sport especially at student life its really important.
I try to engage my kids in a lot of activities other than studying. I believe that’s what helps the children grow mentally and I think it also offers some peace of mind and a little break from studies.
You are right, playing should be in our children daily routine that help them to grow physical, mental, emotional well
I so agree with your views. Study is not everything in life. Kids should be playing, enjoying their life and most importantly they should be happy in whatever they do. Sports make life fun!
Sports has evolved and changed manifolds from the lineage of that saying. Today they are part of curriculum in most of the schools. Glad you wrote about it.
Playing sports is truly an integral part of character building and personality development. It teaches perseverance, patience and team spirit among many other virtues. I think you took up an amazing issue which needs to be addressed seriously by parents.
So true! Sports is so important in life not just to keep oneself active but also to instill discipline.
I understand the importance of sports in life since my own parents never really differentiated between sports and studies. I consider both are important for overall development.
Very beautiful post loved each and every point written and yes sport is damn important for every next individual not only for the physical health but also for a better mental state too
Yes situation is changing. People are breaking the stereotypes. Thanks for sharing a beautiful written post.
Absolutely bang on now days most of us are so busy in our lives that we hardly find time to play sports. Even children no more go to the playground but stick in house watching tv or playing video games. Sports is also a way for being fit.
Sports are so good to keep a person fit and healthy. Kids should be encouraged to actively participate in sport activities in School as well as during weekends
Physical activity is very important for children to remain healthy and active. v inspiring post.
Pooja Budhiraja
Not only children, but even for the adults, inculcating sports in the daily schedule is very important! This asian games did show that we gave it our best shot!
Great post! Playing sports is innate for children. Education makes us a better person, whereas sports makes us better human beings. #surreads #myfriendalexa #blogchatter
The idea of more sports is a good one but Delhi suffers from a whole new problem in this arena. The air is so polluted that playing outside is considered more harmful than beneficial.