Weekend Gateway : A Trip To Nainital

Hi all,  as the temperature is soaring high and breaking all records, even the capital city Delhi was no exception to it. The harshness of the temperature and blazing sun is simply unbearable, however the best part of being  a Delhite  is that you are privileged, to treat yourself to amazing vacation to the hill […]
May 17

Amazing Collection Of Jumpsuits From The House Of Zaful

As the summers had approached and the most awaited visit from my sister in law was expected. I wanted to gift her something unique that she would use and not simply pass on or keep it locked in her cabinet. To my rescue one of my friend suggested that I could gift her some dresses […]
Apr 13

Beat The Heat, In An All Natural Way

The scorching summer heat can cause a heat stroke or sun stroke even in a healthy person. The heat from sun just extracts away all your energy and leaves you feeling exhausted and lethargic. It could result in extreme case of dehydration and cause Sun stroke or heat stroke. Sun stroke can easily progress in […]