I had attended the Indian Mobile Congress that happened in November 2022 and will admit it was the most engaging and captivating experience. The dramatic evolution in the virtual world was showcased here and with the launch of 5G depicts the digital transformation. The new world with 5G services will become a better version of the existing. It will promote high speed communication, connection, and commerce.IMC is the biggest technology fest in Asia and is jointly organised by DoT and COAL at the Pragati Maidan.

The IMC is definitely the most talked about telecom event of the year for learning and meeting with the industry’s top players. The market and Internet was already flooded with the news of the 5G launch. The experience of witnessing the launch at IMC was beyond imagination.At the event we all gaped at the advancement of technology. Earlier only Ericsson and Qualcomm had started offering 5G smartphones. Today Airtel which is one of leading service providers has brought 5G in each home, plus 5G smartphones will come in market for a nominal amount of 10,000. The event explained how IMC will make our lives much easier plus various sectors will provide better standard facilities.What builds an aura around 5G?5G or the fifth generation wireless technology is the fifth iteration of cellular network operations. 5G and immersive technology will substantially and fundamentally change the way we live, work, grasp information, get treated, and even travel. Airtel commits that India will dramatically observe differences in data speed and it will improve. It is not an exaggeration to claim that high tech era in the healthcare technology sector. Lag free videos is just a small part of the picture, the bigger and better picture is having 5G connected ambulances to cloud gaming and even AR driven shopping experience and tryouts for the next level and blood tests in far off lands at subsidised rates. In my visit to the IMC I was clear about the fact that 5G is here to change our lives and the sectors like logistics, medical, health, commerce, agriculture, manufacturing and education.

5G will enable the medical professionals to cater high-quality services while lowering the costs significantly.Relevance of 5G and Airtel’s affordable health care and connected ambulance:The high speed and low latency of the Airtel 5G network will change sectors. It will enable billions of connected devices to share data in real time and thereby grant networking even when it’s a pandemic. 3D hologram calling, metaverse experience, redefined education, equality in health care will become a reality with 5G.

As there is high bandwidth, low latency, and low-power-low-cost of 5G the healthcare industry will transition to cloud native architecture, high speed, and reliable connectivity. 5G will bring holistic data driven personalized care, optimal medical resource utilization, offer care delivery convenience, and provide enhanced patient value.5G, logistics and drone;Logistics with Virtual Reality backed with 5G has become revolutionary. In the event when we were being explained about the impact of 5G on different sectors, I didn’t even think that logistics could change with 5G. However logistics are bound to help the people get better, efficient, and cost efficient with 5G. The use of drones will make logistics much easier and possible with lesser man power. The data entry or monitoring sensors to autonomous vehicles latching all will get digitised. The benefits of digitalization are now evident and thinking of a world without digital impact is not possible.With a simple example the team Airtel explained that while we place an order for pizza we can track it and see from which route it is coming and in how many minutes we will have it. However, due to the lack of 5G services national or international shipments were not tracked so there was fear and in case of accident or mishap one could know anything. The 5G services help real time tracking and get one prepared for the unforeseen situation. The 5G operated drones can get a bird’s eye view and thus make the complete logistics system much smoother and risk free.

Shift to value based and patient centred care with 5G services;However with 5G services and connected ambulances it will be now a possibility.. 5G services will bring equality in the healthcare system. My home town is a small village where getting the best doctor who can diagnose the problem or offer the best treatment is difficult to find. To get certain tests one has to go to the nearest city and the cost simply amplifies but with the 5G service healthcare facilities will improve for all. The villagers are able to get the tests done at their doorstep, and the tests are done at subsidised rates. This is the country where we desire to live. Where the basic facility like health is available to all at a nominal affordable rate.Importantly the circle of care, diagnosing the problem, tele medicines and healthcare to villagers at their doorstep is possible with the help of 5G Services. The ambulance will be connected with hospitals and thus patients on route will get the treatment as they get to hospital as the doctor will have access to their reports and stats there will be no delay in providing the treatment. Plus when on route the paramedics team can inform the doctor about the situation and with doctors help they will give the treatment as required. Therefore no harm is caused or any crucial time is wasted. The doctors because of the high speed network services will be there virtually taking care and giving treatment to the patients. It is a technological boon where the patients despite being at any isolated or far off location will not suffer due to unavailability of a doctor. It is a dream and constitutional right to get healthcare facility without any discrimination and 5G helps to achieve it.Remote monitoring systems in hospitals eHealth:Airtel has collaborated with Apollo Hospitals and Cisco to use the first 60 minutes after the trauma and help people get the required treatment so as to save their lives. Airtel counter then explained in detail the complete process. They elaborated how the 5G connected ambulance will serve as an extended emergency room. I was touched by this technological advancement. They explained further that drones which are 5G Airtel services connected can take inventory at high levels. So as to save manpower and unnecessary expenditure. It was a revolution that was happening. The magnitude and potential of 5G is beyond imagination or lets say even in the wildest imagination what one cannot think of Airtel 5G services, helps to achieve it. 5G will help to accomplish the dream of “ICU without walls’ ‘ where the patient is in the hospital which is close to their family members and thus there is psychological healing as well.5G gave me a picture of the world with no wires and cables where virtual reality reality is present and accessible. Thus I am sure that despite where one stays or how far the hospital is if one desires and uses 5G services getting the best treatment is possible.