Dad and their daughters have a very special relationship that can be expressed only by emotions in eyes and no combination of these 26 alphabets in English can actually depict the feeling of this relation. A father is daughter’s first hero and first love. Any man can qualify to be the partner of a girl only if he has the same qualities as that of her father.  A father is definitely the standard against which she judges her life partner or other men. Having a father is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life. A father is the biggest inspiration for the daughter and the beauty of the relation is that daughter is also the biggest inspiration for the father. The aspect that will leave you astonished is that father considers her daughter to be her best gift and vice versa. Thus it is a relationship that is mutual.

I also have a very special relationship with my papa, it is full of love, care, smiles, laughter and giggles. The memories of my childhood are still fresh in my mind. I remember I used to climb on my father’s scooter and ask for a ride.  No matter what I was so adamant that there was nothing that could stop me. My father in spite of all his busy schedule or being tied up never denied me. My mom would shout on me and ask me to refrain myself from going but my father with a smile on his face would take me for the ride. After the passage of time when I am mother to little princess and see them doing the same with my husband, it gets me misty eyed. My husband no matter, or could be busy like a bee but firstly takes his girls out for a ride and then only relax.


My mother would scold me to discipline me but my father would never do the same. He would always be on my side asking my mom not scold me. He would explain the situation to me ask my inputs on it and correct me if I was wrong but never scold me. I am my dad’s princess and similar to this my dolls are their father’s princess and no matter what he would only explain the matter to them but never scold them.

In situations where I could not decide or accept the things as they are my father would make sure that I am explained the stuff. He would help me to make informed decisions. My husband also would ask his kids of their decision and thoughts over matter. He would never compel them to do things. Rather give them the liberty to fly in the sky but with his morals and values keeps them grounded. My husband is their mentor and guide and helps them with all aspects of their life.



The relationship between a father and daughter remains to the same. The flavor may change but the essence remains the same. A father is the only man who would never hurt his dolls and fulfill all their dreams and desires. The two important of men of my life are always there to support the lady luck.

Well I am guilty of misusing the love of my father whenever there was a fight between my brother and me, but well I was his doting daughter. And it was right to do so. Just like my father added pixie dust to my life by his mere presence my husband does the same for my kids and this is what makes me fall for him all over again. Truly said only a real man can be father and my father and husband proved this right. My father loved me unconditionally and he loved my mother all the more just for the reason of giving birth to me. This is what earned him respect in leaps and bounds. My husband claims that he loved me but after I gave him the gift of fatherhood his love for me has increased manifolds.

Whatever I am or I have achieved in life is just because my father trusted me he always exclaimed proudly that she is my daughter. These words are my pillar of strength and may what come these lines can never be snatched away from me. His trust on me has Always strived me to be a better human being.


This post is written for  a #SuperHero Father’s Day blog train where 24 passionate bloggers are sharing their love for their superheoes . This Blog train is organised by ME & my friend Priyanka Patwari ,She is a  lifestyle and parenting blogger and a mommy of her li’l angel .she blogs at  so don’t forget to check her blog for some super awesome articles.


fathers day,blog train,delhi blogger

Today is the final day of this blog train and its the last stop so I want to thanks to Nehal Roy  for sending train to my stop and introducing me, also I want to thanks to  my fellow bloggers who participated in this beautiful journey of love and shared their amazing real life stories and immense love for their father.

See you all in next post  till than bye bye !!






  1. Loved reading your post Preety. Girl finds her father as her best friend. And father wants to give all the world’s happiness to his princess:)
    Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Amazing write up and beautifully expressed your love for your father. No doubt in it that the father and the daughter has a different kind of relationship. Father is the first man in her life who guides and direct her in all possible ways.

  3. Superb article shared this fathers day. I. Liked those pics. And thanks so much for mentioning me. Keep posting more of such kinds.

  4. We can’t be in this world without our fathers. They have always been the one reliable man in our lives, and they have always treated us with a stern yet loving hand. We have always looked up to them as an inspiration through the years. We will never cease to follow their footsteps and will always make the right decision like they have taught us.well written. And thank u for sharing ur feeling.

  5. As a mom, I also do all the things to bring discipline in my son’s life but his dad is always there to pamper him. But I ensure he is not spoiled. The fathers have a different way to show love.

  6. I have been a Daddy’s girl feautures matches that of my father and I took real pride in that. He always took my side iny fights with sister.. I can really relate to all your emotions here.. beautiful post. Father’s Love is our universe completely

  7. Daddy’s always there to pamper a kid when mom teach them discipline… Its a perfect balance….. off parenthood. Girls always been a daddy’d doll & try to adapt there role model habit inside them…

  8. Beautiful write up. I totally agree that for a girl her father is always #superhero. You have beautiful penned the journey, I can related to all the emotions shared by you

  9. Very true Preety, dads are the guiding lights, best friend, a mentor and a guardian. They want only best for us. Someone had said it right Dads are the #superhero without a cap. Awesome blog. I can nod my head in agreement to every word you’ve put here.

  10. It was the other way round for us.. though my mom used to save me from dad.. still he is the best dad ever.. loved your blog and thanks for organizing such amazing blog traina


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